Monday, August 29, 2005

How to Be a Hip and Sexy Nerd Girl

A couple girlfriends and I have decided to take the GREs. We're complete 20-something nerds who - since we have not much else going on in our lives at the moment - unanimously decided that taking the GREs and expanding not only our vocabulary but our fundamental geometry skills would be a productive way to spend the next couple months of our lives. (Well, that and we want graduate degrees so we can become marketable, make tons of money and bust your balls for the rest of our lives.)

I've rather enjoyed studying for the GREs. It takes my mind off crappy things like making lattes, boys, the crippling economy and my completely worthless degree.

There are two ways to study:
1. The Lame Way (I do not recommend this)
2. The Awesome Way (recommended)

The following is a short list of how we have started to study for the GREs (read: The Awesome Way):

1. Pre-pub Quiz studying
See, $3 Newcastles are really a fabulous excuse to get together and study. Not only that but you can sit around a table (which are hard to get at pub quiz unless you arrive early... so why not study? If nothing else, it gets the brain working for those tough pub quiz questions), drink beer, order food and call your waiter things like "ubiquitous." (Princeton Review GRE Vocabulary List 3) Plus the cute boys from that team that always KICKS YOUR ASS (dammit) think it's cute and funny.

2. Check as many times a day as you check craiglist missed connections, then IM each other with the findings

3. Pick up a really cute, sexy, smart boy at a bar, take him home with you and describe the event as "ephemeral" to your girlfriends

4. Type lists of vocab words and sprawl them over your floor while you and your girlfriends are putting on make-up to go out that night while simultaneously glancing at a random word and shouting it to each other in search of definitions.

5. Get your roommate to pick a word and have her scream it at you all the time.

6. Write 5 words and definitions on an index card and stick aforementioned index card under your bra strap, then pull it out at whatever bar/party/club you happen to be at and quiz your friends mid-vodka tonic.

7. Come up with circumstances that might occur throughout the evening and ways to protect yourself (always important). For example: annoying/sketchy/weird/ugly boy is hitting on you and constantly mentioning that he wants to take you out/get your number/buy you a drink. Turn to him and say, Stop being so officious! Hopefully the use of a slightly large word will confuse him long enough to allow for your escape.

I wish all of my educational experiences could have been this fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vocabulary is indeed sexy and cool.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Adam807 said...

How does that help with the math?

7:02 PM  

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