Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Waxing Playgirlisophical

Funny about those results in Playgirl that everyone was talkin' about on the radio today.

You know... the ones where they surveyed their readers and found that most women prefer... the average guy, meaning: love handles are ok, chest hair is fine, not rich is good... you know, the anti-stereotype. No rich Brad Pitt or some other god-like movie star.

According to Playgirl, us girls dig the average joe.

I heard about this the second time today right before I climbed out of my car, walked into the spa, hiked up my skirt, lay down, spread my legs and let a russian woman spread wax over my bikini area and then rip all those little hairs out.

This. Is. The. Worst.

This is my second bikini wax in life, my second of the summer because I keep ending up at the beach. Venice Beach in May, Bahamas in June, Outer Banks in July and quite frankly those little red bumps you get from shaving are just the worst. I'm over that. I prefer the hot wax application by foreign strangers who speak in thick accents and ask you what your plans are for memorial day weekend - "BREATHE!!!!" rrrrrip - as you try not to squirm and cry on the table for the entire 2 minutes you are there.

My friend just spent $150 on highlights and a cut.
I spent $40 on a mani/pedi last Sunday. (PS I haven't had a manicure in forever because my job kills my hands. I was off this week though, so I went for it. Dude. It's awesome. I have been staring at my hands for three days)
Today cost me $31.

Being a girl is expensive.
Being a girl is painful.

And sure, you guys have your downfalls too, I'm not being all martyr-like....

I remember reading Seventeen when I was 14 and Cosmopolitan when I was 17 and felt reassured that according to the media men wanted their women smart, funny. Worldly. Able to hang with the guys. Phew, I thought, all those are qualities I possess. I'm golden!

Or am I....?

But now, with the waxings and the nail crap...

At the end of the day I don't think of it as something that makes me look attractive to other people...
I kinda dig it.
I mean seriously, a pedicure is the BEST.
And after a couple hours a bikini wax isn't that bad. I can sprawl out all day tomorrow in my bikini, read more Palahniuk and drink a Corona. No unruly hairs will make me second guess my natural instincts.

I'd like to write to Playgirl and say, right on. Let's hear it for Joe Average. What a guy! Good for him! But dude... can Joe average have, like, a really cool job or... season tickets to the Orioles... or... a phat apartment in New York City....?

Cuz let's not lie. Average is cool, it's aight, I can dig it, I can hang with average... but a little polished around the edges is better. Even for the ladies.


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