Friday, September 09, 2005

That job goes really well with... another job

I got a new job!

Crazy, huh?

Sadly, the job I got has nothing to do with my degree, is not full-time, will not make me feel worthwhile and does not offer benefits. But there is one huge thing it does offer and that is money. Bling!

You got it, I'm waiting tables.

And yes, I'm waiting tables at a pretty nice seafood restaurant in Bethesda that charges entirely too much money for it's fish and wine. (I mean seriously, I was reading the wine list yesterday and it's not that I know a whole lot about wine, but I do know that a bottle of 2003 Coppola Merlot does in no way shape or form cost anywhere near $55. I bought that same bottle in LA for less than $15, wrapped it in socks, stuffed it into my carry-on bag and took it back east for my wine-buddy friend Mark for Christmas. However, if I sell aforementioned bottle of wine I should pocket at least $10 which would pretty much buy me that bottle... wait, I don't live in CA anymore... damn!)

So now I will be selling wine and fish (my two other chi-chi vices) to the same people (probably literally) I sell lattes to in the morning.

That's right. I couldn't do it. I couldn't quit the Corporate Coffee Shop. But I did cut back my hours from 25/wk to 10/wk tops. See, you have to be available to work two shifts a week at the corporate coffee shop in order to keep all the benefits that are not: medical, dental, vision, etc - all the amazing things that keep me with the company.

Because if I work there I still get a free pound of coffee a week. I can't tell you how crucial this is to my existence. I also get 30% all drinks and merchandise and I do plan to purchase an espresso machine in the near future because I am a complete and total caffeine addict and a total freakin nerd because at the end of the day I do enjoy making a good cappuccino. It's harder than you'd think.

So I thought to myself, self, work Tuesdays from 8:30-4. That way you wont have to get up at the crack of dawn and you'll be home in time to shower and go to pub quiz. And for the second shift: open on a Sunday. Granted, this cuts out going out on Saturday night, but when you work part-time jobs weekends are overrated. Every day is a Saturday. Kinda. But mostly, opening on a Sunday gets me home at noon, which leaves time for a shower, snack preparation and an entire day of football watching.

Pretty lame, huh? But I'll tell ya what. If you have the opportunity to schedule your part-time jobs around football do so because requesting off every Sunday in Janurary is kinda fishy. Trust me, I've been there. And dude, look, it's not that I'm the biggest football fan on the planet, but we are still recovering from some homesickness here - like the fact that I haven't seen the leaves change colors and fall in two years and I haven't seen Redskins games regularly on TV in many years (thanks, Baltimore, for forgetting about the Redskins and broadcasting freakin' Ravens games while I was up there in college. So selfish.) And seriously, if I can set my alarm clock in Los Angeles to wake up at 9:45am on a Sunday morning after having a long, scandalous night with a certain singer of a certain punk band in order to watch the first Skins game of the season (thanks, Gibbs, for giving west coast network TV a reason to broadcast the games at least once last season.. God forbid the team actually be good enough to be broadcast on TV...) then I can certainly request a Sunday off work in Bethesda.

Sadly, Expensive Seafood Restaurant requires that you be available to work on Sundays.


But I guess it's a compromise I'm willing to make. I really need the money. And afterall, there are TVs in the bar area and what could possibly go better with steamed clams than a bottle of "Redskins 51, Cowboys 0"?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redskins 51, Cowboys 0

In your dreams. :- )

11:59 PM  

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