Saturday, May 28, 2005

An Open Letter

Dear Boys Who Frequent Bars in the Greater DC Metropolitan Area,

I know this might come as quite a shock to you, but there are other things to wear besides polo shirts and long-sleeved button-down shirts. Might I suggest perhaps a light sweater or maybe even a T-shirt? I know it must be difficult for you to express your individuality, but I would appreciate it if you would at least try and broaden your wardrobe choices. Perhaps after we make this first step we can move onto such topics as: You Don't Always Have to Wear Khaki Pants or Jeans Aren't So Scary.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Blogger Joe P. Frick said...

Or like, wear a long-sleeved button-up shirt, but maybe one that's just a solid color? The problem too often is that everybody is wearing the same prints, which are always light colors. I'm glad that I show up in bars with homemade teeshirts and, sometimes, without a shirt at all...

12:17 AM  

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